In San juan Capistrano

If I was getting married again,,,this is the venue of my choice and you all would need to be there, the cool warm breeze bringing in the smells of lavender and rosemary…. the glow of the candles lite and the laughter of people mingling
this was romantic and timeless with hints of the San Juan Mission behind us
{the bells ringing in the background as the Bride and Groom are presented}
Just lovely and sweet

We setup all day, took our time, enjoyed the surrounding beauty of the plaza and found it hard to leave when we were done.  I always have that problem…..wanting more,,,,wanting to be part of the party that is about to take place. 
{I love to hid in the back someplace and watch the Bride enter…and just when she sees her Groom…I slip away…I cant help it….that’s why I do what I do. I love those moments…they are like pictures captured in my heart.}

 The center fountain is huge…much larger
than what it looks like in photos, with it’s gentle sound of dripping
water pouring over our garland made of eucalyptus, queen anns, amaranthus and olive leaves. Beautiful hanging chandeliers and bobble lights…just seemed to cast nothing but loveliness.

The Bride and Groom where such a beautiful couple…sorry, I don’t have any photos of them…just take me at my word, they are stunning and smart.
Some people have it all…don’t they?

Pink Peonies and Scabiosa pods

I created this box made from old barn wood…I loved that it was irregular and not perfect.  It sat upon the sweetheart table in all its imperfection glory
Like many of us….wondering…how did I get here, how blessed am I to be part of the party – its the imperfections that make a statement
of who we are and Who has offered us a place in this world.  I don’t want to get on my soap box and preach it…but this is what I mean:
 We take ourselves to serious, we make excuses to why we cant come in…im too shy, im not dressed for it, im not pretty enough, its awkward…we need to let those mind traps go and  dance, sing with arms in the air…swinging like a fool without a care and know that we are loved by God and He has prepared a way for us to enter in,,,,to see and sit in His Glory,
through the love and gift of His Son, Jesus.
Come on…go!

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