In donate flowers

February 23 2015



This business is a funny little machine that runs on imagination, creativity, strong people skills, ability to move quickly, a strong back, bucket love or hate for that matter, the ability to prepare the most awesome tool box
 tape?- check, pins?- check, tire fix it kit?- check, coffee?-uhhh, 32oz. check!

and always…Always be prepared for the unseen…
 {rain, flower death, electrical mishaps, traffic and your occasional family feuds}

And with all those things that run and keep this business going,,,its the families,
friends, Mother’s & Daughters that inspire me.

 I have had the amazing blessing to be welcomed into the inner circle of  families on one of their most triumphant moments, finding myself a witness to the covered emotions waiting to explode at the moment of giving a daughter away and gaining a son, or vice versa—filled with hopes by this beauty of celebrating love
. Each family has left a lasting vivid impression

The Bride- Stunning
The Groom – Stunned
The Party – Outstanding
Me – Tired but elated

This past weekend brought the close of a celebration of a family, that I have come
to adore. Their daughter married a sweetheart of a man and their future is huge! To let you know what type of love these two have, they chose to visit the hospital with me, one day after their ceremony, to hand out flowers to patients going through chemotherapy treatment.  Each person that came in contact with them today, were touched by their beginning as husband and wife….to stop and bless others, when; this, their moment to be all consumed by eachother and Maui, didn’t seem to matter at this moment.

All because a boy fell in love with a girl and we all stood back in awe.


Visiting ST. Josephs Hospital, arms filled with their wedding flowers and hearts full of compassion.

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for your thoughtsthank you

 Battling cancer is one of the most difficult times
is one’s life. For starters…just the plain shock of hearing you have the “C” and the fact that you are going to war against an
enemy you can’t see, and your only ally is a treatment
that wrecks havoc on you as well as the cancer. 
 It has been 24 years since I forged a war of my own against cancer.
Within my battle, I was blessed with an amazing support team,
My Mother and family…who came to my rescue..encouraged me, cried with me and held my hand through it all.
 My husband, who became my left side when my right side went missing.
To the lady, whose name I do not know,,,,
 but she,,, vivid in my mind; would come by my apartment in Pasadena and leave flowers on my doorstep every week.
Thanks to you, and the many others who were casting their prayers before the throne of God on my behalf.
I cant thank you enough…and that’s why,
 we at French Bouquet go to cancer wards and
give donated flowers from weddings.
we rearrange them in mason jars and carry them to each
patient during and after treatment…to let them know..
they are not alone,,,,there is beauty in the midst of their fight and
to encourage them to see outside cancer.

My Bride, Lauren and her Groom, Jose..a few days after their wedding…what an example of love and giving…taking time from their honeymoon to come visit and bless those that are sick.
If you would like to get involved by donating your flowers from a wedding or event. If you would like to be involved in preparing, designing and delivering flowers to St
. Josephs Hospital, contact:

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